Bottom up approach
Dynamic connectionist network of neuronal firing. (Dynamic core network)
The Dynamic core is the dynamic activation pattern formed by our CNS, which acts as a loop in the following way
1) Sensing the world,
2) Processing the world and deciding appropriate actions,
3) Performing the actions based on best predictions, and then sensing the outcome.
This loop of feedback caused by the dynamic core gives rise to a “broad-schema” which enables us to use higher order of thinking to actually “Witness” the event and experience Qualia.
The Thalamo-cortical feedback loop can be taken as an example of a sub-network of the dynamic core which enables us to have a higher-order phenomenal consciousness, but this categorization is on a broader term.
Here, I am trying to break the dynamic core into sub-networks on the basis of their activation pattern to certain types of schema.
The mind as a predictive coding mode
Predictive coding model
Needs to create models to interact with the world.
Using the predictive coding model of the mind. Our mind is a connectionist network which creates models to interact with the world.
What are these models? Schema
Schemas are dynamic, evolving frameworks that help us process, categorize and store information efficiently. These frameworks can be looked at from different perspectives, and each perspective can categorize them into different types.
Here we are taking a broad perspective, and perceiving schema by categorizing something which unites all of the schemas. The emotions/motivations they elicit.
How do the networks give rise to schema?
Assume that our dynamic core is a predictive coding model that gives rise to predictions of the best “perspective” and “action” for a given scenario.
One might ask, what would be the best way to categorize the initial interaction between our phenomenal model (at the most primitive state), and the physical structure of neuronal responses?
Many believe that emotions/motivation are found at the core of one of the most primary sources of interaction between the phenomenal model and the neuronal-physical circuitry. Why?
Subconscious understands and acts on the emotion/motivation before our “higher-order” phenomenal state recognizes what/why we are doing something. Eg. Autonomic Nervous system. Thus making it more primitive and a separate “module” of our entire conscious model, i.e. primitive and separate when compared to our higher-order phenomenal state.
“Emotions arise from the process of our bodies and brains gathering its resources in order to respond to important events. Our emotional systems are widely shared with other creatures and the way that emotion informs cognition is similar across all mammals”
Making it a highly primitive stage of our cognitive system.
Dynamic core network of the CNS which acts as a predictive coding model that gives rise to models.
The physical representation of these models can be captured by looking at the connectionist activation pattern of the physical structure of the brain.
These models enable us to feel emotions.
Top down approach
Why emotions/motivation as a criteria to divide schema
“Motivation relates to the impulse to either approach or avoid something that is rewarding or punishing, that is to say, is pleasant or unpleasant.”
“Emotion refers to the physiological sensations of emotional arousal and the subjective feelings that go with them”
“Emotion is more about the subjective experience and motivation is more toward the action that happens under the same circumstances.”
In the field of cognitive development it is well recognized that schemas play a foundational role in development of the human mind. The philosophical perspective of constructivism supports this as well.
The schema we encounter get’s chosen by our attention (implicit or explicit) and developed when our attention is utilized on that particular schema. What is it that guides our attention? Meaning.
What is something that gives meaning to objects/people/events? Emotions/motivations. Meaning can only be derived by associating the object/people/events with their respective emotions/motivations.
Therefore, it is logically valid to have the division of each type of schema divided on the basis of emotions/motivations they elicit. As they can act as a gateway to understand both sides of the coin, and examine one of the points of interaction between the top-down and bottom up structure of consciousness. More specifically: We can examine the relationship between the subjectivity of emotional response (subjectivity can be categorized as a function of personality traits) and the emotion of the schema.